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Contact Us
contact usADDRESS 6400 S. 70th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 PHONE Tel: 402.483.6512 Fax: 402.483.6642 SERVICE TIMES Sat: 7:00pm Sun: 9:00 & 10:45am OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm THE COMMONS COFFEE SHOP Sat: 6:00pm – 7:30pm Sun: 8:00am – 11:30am PUBLICATIONS CENTER HOURS Sat: 6:45pm – 8:30pm Sun: 8:45am – 12:15pm Social: Facebook and Instagram Mobile App: iPhone and Android Our Privacy Policy. For general questions about Lincoln Berean Church, prayer requests or website feedback please fill out the form below: Name*Email* PhoneComment Type*GeneralWebsitePrayer RequestComment*CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Core Classes
CONTACT Ground your discipleship in foundational learning and practice. CONTACT Targeted Learning We now offer a slate of four classes during each of our main ministry seasons (fall, winter, spring/summer) focused on different stages of discipleship. Take part as an individual or, even better, as a Life Group! Sundays, 9:00 & 10:45am (depending on class) D100 level classrooms Sunday Mornings During both Sunday services we utilize, engaging biblical teaching, dynamic music and movements, and small group interactions led by a caring adult to support parents in their efforts to be the primary disciple makers of their kids. Sundays,...
CONTACT Teaching active faith in safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is explored in creative, engaging, relevant ways. CONTACT Sunday Mornings During both Sunday services we utilize, engaging biblical teaching, dynamic music and movements, and small group interactions led by caring team members to support parents in their efforts to be the primary disciple-makers of their kids. Sundays, 9:00 & 10:45am Nursery-Preschool: North (Main) Entry Kindergarten-5th Grade: North (Main) Entry Sunday Mornings During both Sunday services we utilize, engaging biblical teaching, dynamic music and movements, and small group interactions led by a caring adult to support parents in...
Youth Summer Camp 2024
CONTACT CONTACT We are stoked to be going back to Castaway for another year of summer camp! For many people, this is a transformational week where they meet Jesus in a personal way that impacts their lives for years or decades – even for eternity. Castaway Club, Detroit Lakes, MN Castaway is a marvelous location with great accommodations, incredible food, and amazing activity options, including rock climbing, zip line, giant swing, archery tag, gaga ball, outdoor and indoor basketball courts, frisbee golf, crystal clear water to swim in, kayak, hot tubs, and even hammocks to lay out in...
Child Dedications
child dedications “Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from him.” What is Child Dedication? Child dedication is a special time for parents to affirm their intention to raise their child in an environment where the child’s faith will flourish. We dedicate our children to God as a testimony of our dependence upon God and of our belief that our children ultimately belong to God. During a dedication service, parents choose a prayer partner to join their family to pray over them and their child(ren). This can be a family member or friend, or parents can...
Meet Our Team
meet our team Jesus is our beautiful Lord and Savior! He is also the foremost leader of Lincoln Berean Church. It is the pleasure of all leaders and staff mentioned below to joyfully submit to him and follow his example in helping the people of our church to announce and demonstrate the good news of the gospel! Leadership EldersLeadership TeamTeaching TeamElders Elders // Andrew Miller Bryan Trost Daniel Gronewold Gus Hustad John Matzke Ryan Harmon Leadership Team Leadership Team // Ryan Harmon Lead Pastor Ben Miller Managing Director, Adults (Pastor) Kevin Workman Managing Director, Operations (Pastor) Jon Sauer Managing Director,...
Guest Experience + Connections
guest experience + connections CONTACT Looking to feel welcomed, be informed, and get connected on the weekends? We love to help individuals and families feel cared for and known. CONTACT Hospitality In Action We desire for every weekend attender to see Jesus reflected in everything we say and do as a faith family! While we are a large church, we have set up several ways for you to get answers to questions, explore connection opportunities, and serve others. Stop by an Info Center We’d love to meet you and will be happy to answer any questions you might...
Men + Women
men + women Are you looking to walk alongside other men or women to work through unique aspects of who we are as Christ followers? We want to help you grow closer to Jesus right now. Men From Life Groups, to Bible studies, to monthly breakfasts, to retreats and events, to seasonal classes–there are many resources available to help you grow as a man of God. Contact UsEventsGet EmailsWomen If you’re looking for a specific day or time to connect with other women from our congregation, we’ve got you covered! Check out the available studies, retreats, and more. Contact UsEventsGet...
Real Change
looking for real change? (We’re glad you’re here!) looking for real change? (We’re glad you’re here!) Because of Jesus there is no separation – we can draw near to him, and experience real, life-giving change! You’re probably here because you joined us for one of our Easter services and would like to share a response to that message, or else you want to connect about one of the topics being discussed in the REAL CHANGE series. Either way, we’re glad you took the time to visit this page. Use this contact form to send us your response or feedback!...

Life Groups // Spring 2021 // Week 4
Life Groups // Spring 2021 // Week 4 Posted April 30, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Scandalous Grace // Acts 9:1 – 31 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This week we get to look in on the miraculous conversion of Saul. Saul goes from persecuting Jesus and His church, to preaching the gospel. God works through several others in this process in Saul’s life. To get the most out of your group time, we invite you to look over the questions below and write your thoughts down before you meet with your group. Warm Up (Suggested time: 30 min)...
Vacation Bible School
SERVEVBSFAM JAMWe don’t think it’s just “okay” to have fun – we think it should be a priority! Why? Because people who follow Jesus have a lot to celebrate! Jesus gives us some amazing reasons to party: forgiveness, belonging, friendship, life, purpose. That’s why we believe the gospel of Jesus is the ultimate good news! Day 1 Focus: Jesus is a good reason to have a party! (Luke 5:27-32) Day 2 Focus: Everyone is invited to the party! (Matthew 22:1-14) Day 3 Focus: Celebrate the good news! (Luke 15:11-32) Day 4 Focus: You can be a party-starter! (Matthew 5:14-16) ...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 10
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 10 Posted March 19, 2021 — Lincoln Berean You Can’t Stop This // Acts 5:12-42 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This week in Acts, God continues to add more people to the early church, the followers of Jesus continue to speak to others about Jesus and more opposition arises. It is clear to us that God is at work in the lives of the followers of Jesus, but some people find themselves opposing God. We need to remember that every circumstance can be a platform to speak about...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 9
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 9 Posted March 12, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Under Attack // Acts 4:32-5:11 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This week in Acts, we continue to see the early church grow and flourish. Over and over, people were generous in their dedication to the mission, and the community thrived. Additionally, we are also told about two specific acts of generosity. While both appeared similar on the outside, we come to find out their hearts could not have been more different. We also learn this difference comes with some startling...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 8
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 8 Posted March 7, 2021 — Lincoln Berean We Cannot Stop // Acts 4:5-31 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction As Pastor Bryan took us deeper into chapter 4 of Acts this week, a sobering reality has set in: following Jesus requires counting the cost of persecution. What was true of those early believers only 60 days removed from the resurrection is also true of us 2000 years later—we don’t battle alone! We hope your Life Group experience provides a foundation of scripture and connection that gives you the...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 7
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 7 Posted February 26, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Unstoppable // Acts 3:1-4:4 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Pastor Andy MacFarlane from North Point Community Church joined us this past weekend. He asked the question, “What kind of opposition thwarts God’s work of restoration?” As we looked at our passage and saw about 2000 more people become followers of Jesus, he showed us that there is no opposition that will thwart God’s work of restoration. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 6
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 6 Posted February 19, 2021 — Lincoln Berean A Picture of the Church // Acts 2:42-47 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction We all have different images that come to mind when we think about church. However, the Bible has a clear picture of how God intended the church to look. Last weekend, Jeff took some time to paint a picture of the early church. As you study this week’s questions, take some time to consider how God might be daring you to be the church. We don’t provide...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 5
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 5 Posted February 12, 2021 — Lincoln Berean What Must We Do? // Acts 2:14-41 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to Week 5 in our study of Acts! As we heard last week, the Spirit of God infused a frightened group of followers in a miraculous way. Though the onlookers were puzzled, our passage this week offers further proof of the life-changing work of the Spirit in Peter’s daring message of faith. We hope this time of connecting in a Life Group and discussing scripture helps you come to know...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 4
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 4 Posted February 5, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Power to Be the Church // Acts 2:1-13 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction We’re excited to step fully into this study of Acts with you! In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the dynamics of being a faithful church, daring to take the message of Jesus to the streets and to the world that they may know our Savior. We hope this time of connecting in a Life Group and discussing the scriptures is enriching to your life and encourages you to reach out in love to others. We suggest you work through these questions on your own before meeting with your group. We don’t provide...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 3
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 3 Posted January 29, 2021 — Lincoln Berean The People Jesus Calls // Acts 1:12-26 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction We’re excited to step fully into this study of Acts with you! In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the dynamics of being a faithful church, daring to take the message of Jesus to the streets and to the world that they may know our Savior. We hope this time of connecting in a Life Group and discussing the scriptures is enriching to your life and encourages you to...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 2
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 2 Posted January 22, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Be My Witnesses // Acts 1:1-11 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction We’re excited to step fully into this study of Acts with you! In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the dynamics of being a faithful church, daring to take the message of Jesus to the streets and to the world that they may know our Savior. We hope this time of connecting in a Life Group and discussing the scriptures is enriching to your life and encourages you to reach...

Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 1
Life Groups // Winter 2021 // Week 1 Posted January 15, 2021 — Lincoln Berean Life Together // Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to a new session of Life Groups! Maybe you are reconnecting with your group from last session or maybe this is your first time in a group. Either way, we hope this time of connecting with others and discussing the scriptures is enriching to your life and encourages you to reach out in love to others. To get a good idea of the message of Ecclesiastes, you might want...
OppFinder Test
opp finder testCONTACT We’re testing new functionality on our website – thanks for your patience! CONTACT Opportunities Testing Waiver Please fill out the waiver to participate in this event. There is a code block here that will load the Opportunity Suggestion Widget from Blackpulp Designs. Any extra text you want can go here. This is all text created in the Arvada builder. Loading Form... Text can also go under the form. Again, this text is created in the Arvada builder. My Grps
Life Groups
life groups The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone – God designed us for relationship! We’re excited to live out our vision – coming together to know Jesus, become more like Him, and help others do the same – in Life Groups. We’re learning to live, together. Life Groups offer a weekly environment to help you figure out what to do on Monday with what you heard over the weekend. The following group types may be available: College // Young Adults (20s + 30s) // Young Couples (20s + 30s) Families with Children // Multigenerational (18+) Adults...

Fall 2020 // John 21
Fall 2020 // John 21 Posted November 21, 2020 — Lincoln Berean Follow Me // John 21 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Although the fall Life Group session ended last week, our question writing team really wanted to finish this last chapter of John. That’s because all stories need a fitting conclusion to bring closure and clarity, and John’s last chapter does more than just wrap up loose ends. John 21 continues to bring us the hope we have in Jesus. Study Questions (Suggested time: 40 min) 1) In verses 1-5, the disciples fish all...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 10
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 10 Posted November 14, 2020 — Lincoln Berean Why Are You Weeping? // John 20:1-31 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction In chapter 20, John gives us eyewitness testimony from those who experienced Jesus after His resurrection – Mary Magdalene, a group of His disciples, and Thomas. The death, burial, and now the resurrection complete Jesus’ journey to the cross. There’s much for us to consider as we affirm our belief this week. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 9
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 9 Posted November 7, 2020 — Lincoln Berean His Testimony is True // John 19:31-42 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Last week we came to a zenith in the story – the death of Jesus on the cross for the sins of the world. This week we see Him buried. Take some time to read all of chapter 19, then focus on verses 31-42 as you seek to answer the following questions. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 8
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 8 Posted October 31, 2020 — Lincoln Berean It is Finished // John 19:17-30 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This week, we see Jesus do what he came to do. We see Him submit to the cross. He did this with us in mind, and we’ve seen what it cost Him. Take some time to think about the entire crucifixion story as you go over this week’s questions. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 7
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 7 Posted October 24, 2020 — Lincoln Berean Jesus or Caesar // John 19:1-16 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This week, we step into a courtroom where Jesus confronts Pilate’s views on authority and kingship, guilt and innocence. Though beaten and wearing a crown made of thorns, there’s little doubt that Jesus controls the outcome. Our questions focus on how this shapes our belief in Him. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy to write...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 6
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 6 Posted October 17, 2020 — Lincoln Berean What is Truth? // John 18:28-40 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction In this week’s passage Jesus is taken before Pilate, the Roman Governor of the province of Judea and they discuss truth and the kingship of Jesus. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy to write down your thoughts. You’re not expected to have time for all these questions during your online meeting, but we encourage you...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 5
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 5 Posted October 10, 2020 — Lincoln Berean Only Jesus // John 18:1-27 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction In this week’s study, we learned about the arrest of Jesus. As the scene unfolds, both Peter and Jesus face intense questioning. As you think about this week’s questions, reflect on the unity Bryan has talked about this session. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy to write down your thoughts. You’re not expected to have time...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 4
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 4 Posted October 3, 2020 — Lincoln Berean Why Unity Matters // John 17:1-26 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to the fourth week of the Fall 2020 session! This week we begin to look at what is often referred to as The High Priestly Prayer because in it, Jesus prays to the Father on behalf of His disciples. Though the language might seem unfamiliar to you at first, we invite you to hear these words as the disciples heard them during that last night with Jesus before...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 3
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 3 Posted September 26, 2020 — Lincoln Berean A Little While // John 16:16-33 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to week three of the Fall Session! This week Jesus discusses his coming departure with his disciples. They are confused and struggle to understand and believe what He is saying. In some ways this can be how we experience following Jesus in our own lives. We pray that as you process through these questions this week that the Holy Spirit will speak into your life and grow your...
serveCONTACT Whether it’s helping kids learn about Jesus, greeting guests, or brewing coffee, there are no “unimportant” roles when it comes to serving one another. Why We Serve Jesus came to serve, not to be served. As part of his faith family, let’s follow his example! Serving is one of the greatest catalysts for spiritual growth, with the added benefit of cultivating friendships and building community. Best of all, serving is a main way we show obedience to, and become more like, Jesus. Serving Opportunities Looking for other ways to serve? Use the toggles to explore other areas that...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 2
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 2 Posted September 19, 2020 — Lincoln Berean That You May Believe: How to Keep from Stumbling // John 16:1-15 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to week two of the Fall Session! This week, we learned a lot about the Helper and the reasons why Jesus sent him. It’s our prayer that, in these murky times, you feel and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Through the application questions this week, look for ways you can live counter to the practices of this world! We...

Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 1
Life Groups // Fall 2020 // Week 1 Posted September 12, 2020 — Lincoln Berean That You May Believe: Jesus, One Another and the World // John 15:1-27 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction Welcome to Life Groups Renewed! Over the next 10 weeks, it’s our hope to come to know Jesus better as we share, discuss and pray together. As you show up ready to engage with each other through God’s Word, we’ll provide relatable questions to help you apply key points from this week’s sermon in the gospel of John. We don’t provide a lot of space for your answers to these questions, so we suggest having a journal handy to write down your thoughts. You’re not expected to have...
collegeCONTACT We are a college-aged group that focuses on coming together to know Jesus, become more like him, and help others do the same. New here? Complete this formWant to lead? Fill out an applicationSunday Connection Come early (10:15am) to connect with college-aged students in the foyer near the Southeast entrance. Then, we’ll sit together in the 10:45am service and worship alongside our multi-generational church family. Come join us in Section 5! Sundays 10am & 10:45am Main Auditorium, Section 5 Learn More: Contact Us College Nights College should be more than late nights and Ramen noodles! We want it...
Life Groups – Between Sessions
life groups The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone – God designed us for relationship! We’re excited to live out our vision – coming together to know Jesus, become more like Him, and help others do the same – in Life Groups. We’re learning to live. Life Groups offer a weekly “living room” gathering to help you figure out what to do on Monday with what you heard over the weekend. Our Life Groups are currently on break for the summer, but if you have a question about our next session, fill out the form below, read...

Online Connect Group // Renewed // Week 8
Online Connect Group // Renewed // Week 8 Posted August 8, 2020 — Lincoln Berean August 9, 2020 // Help Others Do the Same: Part 2 // Acts 1:1-11 PDF DownloadWord Download← Return to the Group Questions Page Introduction This is the final week of this session of Online Connect Groups. On Sunday Josh led us into a larger picture of the final section of our vision statement: Coming together, to know Jesus, become more like Him, and help others do the same. This week’s message focused on the idea of being a witness to the current reality of God’s...
Stage + Age
stage + age Sometimes, we need access to resources that are tailored to specific phases of life as a way to remember we are not alone on the journey. How can we help you make that connection? Adults 20s/30s We want to equip and empower young adults to be world-changers. Join others in Life Groups, monthly events, retreats, classes, and more. Contact UsGet emailsAdults 50+ It’s a great time as empty nesters to reenergize yourself for life’s next challenge. Connect with others in Life Groups, studies, classes, and other events. Contact UsAdults 75+ Our seniors have wisdom, skills, and experiences...
Group Questions
group questions Find your Life Group weekly discussion guides here. groupsMinistry2025-02-07T10:16:30-06:00Life Groups // Winter 2025 // Week 5groupsMinistry2025-02-07T10:16:30-06:00February 7th, 2025|groupsMinistry2025-01-31T10:44:11-06:00Life Groups // Winter 2025 // Week 4groupsMinistry2025-01-31T10:44:11-06:00January 31st, 2025|groupsMinistry2025-01-24T11:36:42-06:00Life Groups // Winter 2025 // Week 3groupsMinistry2025-01-24T11:36:42-06:00January 24th, 2025|groupsMinistry2025-01-22T10:36:36-06:00Life Groups // Winter 2025 // Week 2groupsMinistry2025-01-22T10:36:36-06:00January 17th, 2025|12NextLoad More Postsget notified when the group questions are posted: Life Groups Staff Helping people get connected – to do life together. Let’s talk… Do you have questions about Life Groups? We would be delighted to answer those, use the form below and we’ll be in touch.
What To Expect
what to expect We’re looking forward to worshiping with you! Here is some information you might find helpful about our weekend environments. Worship Services We gather for worship: Saturdays at 7:00pm // Sundays at 9:00am + 10:45am. If you can’t join us for one of our weekend services, stream them live here or on YouTube at the same time as an in-person service. LivestreamYouTube LIVECampus Map Here’s a map of each level to point you in the right direction. ×Level 100 Close×Level 200 Close×Level 300 CloseLevel 100Level 200Level 300Our Campus Our building can be a bit confusing at first–here’s a...

Is Everyone Called?
Is Everyone Called?It’s that time of year when students have just walked across a stage and received their diploma. Some will head on to more schooling but many will decide that they’ve just had enough, no more school. For those who have come to that point, and for many of us even years after that “I’m done with school” moment, the question that quickly moves to the forefront is this: What am I going to do with my life? In Christian and non-Christian circles alike, the question of one’s calling is a popular one. A quick Google search for “Find...

What is a Missionary?
What is a Missionary?Recently, someone asked me, “What is a missionary, exactly?” The question caught me off-guard, to be honest. It seems that we are all very susceptible to thinking that what is clear to us is clear to everyone else, but that just isn’t the case, is it. The question and confusion behind it makes even more sense when I think of some of what has happened in the past few years in our conversations about missions. One thing that has become popular is to say something like, “We are all missionaries.” Perhaps you have heard this statement. It...
RightNow Media
rightnow media With Christian content for everyone – from kids’ cartoons to Bible studies on every topic – RightNow Media is an incredible tool to help you grow in your faith. We hope you will enjoy free access to RightNow Media! This library of tens of thousands of Bible studies, kids’ videos, and more (think of it like a Netflix for Bible studies) is our gift to help you, your life group and your family go deeper in your faith! Sign up for an accountGo to RightNow MediaWays to Use this Resource Small Groups Gather a group of friends, people...
Baptism Form
Baptism – Getting Started We are so excited that you are considering baptism! This experience will be an amazing time of celebration for you as well as our entire congregation. Please note, we usually have a waiting list for baptism services, and we fill all time slots on a first-come first-served basis. You must complete this form to be included on the baptism list. Upon completion, you will be contacted by a staff member about next steps.
baptismCONTACT Declare your faith in Jesus through baptism. CONTACT What is Baptism? At Lincoln Berean, we believe that baptism is a public declaration of, and identification with, Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection, signified by immersion in water, and intended to reflect an internal decision of faith to trust Jesus alone for salvation. I’m ready to be baptized My child is interested in being baptized I’m ready to be baptized My child is interested in being baptized Baptism Weekends We have Baptism weekends each spring and fall. These celebrations take place in the auditorium...
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy What information do we collect? We collect information from you when you register on our site, subscribe to our newsletter, fill out a form, or give online. When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number or credit card information. You may, however, visit our site anonymously. What do we use your information for? Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways: To personalize your experience (Your information helps us to better respond to your...
Key Beliefs
key beliefsCONTACT The beliefs that unite the people of Lincoln Berean Church are Gospel-centered and rooted firmly in the Bible. We are committed to these time-tested, essential truths. CONTACT Bible We believe the Bible, consisting of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures in their entirety, is the only divinely inspired, inerrant, objectively true and authoritative written Word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. The divine inspiration of Scripture extends to each word of the original manuscripts, but not to the various copies or translations of Scripture. The Bible should be interpreted literally,...
What to Expect
what to expectCONTACT Welcome to Lincoln Berean. Whatever led you to us, we’re glad you’re here. HistoryKey Beliefs CONTACT About Us Visiting a new church can be overwhelming, but knowing what to expect can help make things a little more comfortable. At Lincoln Berean Church, we hope you’ll find a group of authentic people who love God and each other. We believe church is about people — people pursuing relationships with Jesus and with one another. Worship Services Our three weekend services are the same: Each service will last about 75 minutes A message applicable to your life...
CONTACT We help students experience significant and measurable transformation through the power of Jesus. CONTACT Middle School This is the place you want to be if you are in 6th-8th grade. It’s an exciting environment where being YOU is cool! We’re all about helping you make friends your age while challenging you to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Activate Our goal is to provide an opportunity in which middle school students can gather together, build a solid relational foundation with Jesus, be challenged to take next steps in growing with Jesus, and equipped and empowered to...

Kids // Date Night
NEXT GEN Parents, you do so much to intentionally lead and love your kids. To celebrate your selflessness and support your health, the Kids team wants to help you take…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // GriefShare Class
ADULTS The loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend can be a confusing time. You may feel isolated or have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.…

Care + Support // DivorceCare Class
ADULTS // Winter Session // Learn to apply spiritual truth to personal experiences of separation and divorce. This is a 13-week class, and you may join at any time. Registration…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…

Care + Support // Coping with Chronic Pain
ADULTS The Coping with Chronic Pain group is a faith-based network of individuals committed to understanding and supporting people suffering from or affected by chronic pain. Together we examine spiritual,…