coronavirus information
As information evolves, this page is the primary, most up-to-date place for you to receive answers to commonly asked questions. We are committed to doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for our church family and the surrounding community.
A Message from our Directional Team (May 19, 2021)
Church Family,
As many of you have heard, on May 21, 2021, we will close a significant chapter in the COVID story here in Lincoln with the expiration of the local mask mandate in the new Directed Health Measure (DHM).
Our posture over the past year has always been to walk in-step with, but not exceed, the requirements of our local authorities. Since provisions for masks and social distancing are no longer a part of the DHM, starting this weekend we are removing all mask and distancing requirements on campus.
This means you will no longer be required to:
- wear a mask when entering or exiting the building or auditorium
- maintain distance (empty seats) between groups in the auditorium
- wear a mask in Sections 1 and 5 in the auditorium
This update applies to all age groups and ministries in the building—kids, youth, and adults alike. Any other changes that have taken place in the last year unrelated to masks and distancing (like passing the plate and use of bulletins) are currently being evaluated by our Directional Team, and we’ll share updates as we have them.
We understand that some gathering with us this weekend will be most comfortable adjusting to this new moment gradually, and will want to continue exercising caution by socially distancing and wearing a mask. While we won’t have a mask-required section, we will continue to use our chapel for overflow so that those who wish to spread out can do so. Of course, anyone is welcome to continue wearing a mask in the auditorium, as well.
As we have been reminded recently in our study of Acts, God has done something remarkable in creating a unified body made up of people from vastly different backgrounds. This is one reason we have sought to continue worshiping together during these days instead of dividing into masked services and unmasked services. We are the Church—a varied, multi-dimensional, multi-perspective-holding crew! And when we gather, we gather unified under Jesus. That is who we have aimed to be throughout period, and it is who we will continue to be in the days to come as we dare to be the Church.
Hope to see you Sunday, smiling faces and all!
Ryan Harmon
For the Directional Team
Weekend Gathering Details
- Online Services // All services are streamed at as well as on Roku and YouTube
- Services Times // Saturday, 7:00pm / Sunday, 9:00am / Sunday, 11:00 am
- Feeling Under the Weather? // We still ask anyone feeling sick or experiencing symptoms to engage online (live chat available at
- Masks // Masks are no longer required on campus
- Seating plan // There are no longer any distance requirements in the auditorium
- Overflow Seating // Available in the Chapel — for those who would like to distance from others while worshiping
CDC Resources
The CDC is the primary source for information on COVID-19. Here are a few helpful links from the collection on their website: