Sermons / Stand-Alone Sermons // 2016 / Sacrifice



Our salvation is offered freely—but it is not cheap! It cost God the life of His very own Son. When Jesus walked this earth, Jesus could not have been more clear. Again and again, He said: If you’re going to follow me, you have to count the cost, because it will cost you. At no time did Jesus promote a message of health and wealth and prosperity. Pretty much, the opposite! Jesus said: You need to understand, if you’re going to follow Me, it will cost you! You will have to deny yourself. You will have to take up your cross daily to follow me. The more Jesus declared that message, the more the multitudes shrunk down, down, down to the point where, when Jesus was arrested, it was a relatively small group of people who had counted the cost and said: I will follow Jesus.

Worship Set List: Jan. 2/3
10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
Come Thou Fount Come Thou King
All The Poor And Powerless
Your Love Never Fails
Unbroken Praise
Great Is Thy Faithfulness