local outreach

We seek to encourage, equip, and engage the Lincoln Berean Church family in service to our city.

We love Lincoln.

We want every person in our city to know the God who loves them–we want the gospel not only to be heard, but also understood and believed. So, our local outreach efforts are focused on caring for the real felt needs in our community as well as the souls of individuals.

We each have a part to play.

Where We Live

Where We Work

We are all surrounded by mission fields every day – where we live and where we work. Each of us has the opportunity to show our neighbors and co-workers the love of Christ.  This requires purposeful living – growing in obedience and connection with Christ, respecting others as image-bearers of God, praying for them, and finding ways to connect and serve them. All the while looking for opportunities to share the hope of the gospel.

Immigrants, Refugees & Ethnic Communities

Lincoln is home to people from all over the world, including immigrants and refugees from over 50 countries. While Lincoln offers many opportunities for education and employment, those who are new to our city face the challenges of learning a new language and culture. Lincoln Berean and our agency partners are working together to help immigrants and refugees overcome these challenges, become successful in our community, and learn about the love of Jesus.

At-Risk Children, Youth & Families

God designed families to be a place of safety and security, but that can be difficult to maintain for a family living in poverty. Poverty burdens a family with stress and puts them at risk of hunger, disease, addiction, homelessness and incarceration. Lincoln Berean works alongside our agency partners to minimize these risks. Together we provide for physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs while building relationships in which families can come to know the love of Christ.

Key Initiatives

Check out these opportunities to serve alongside others from Lincoln Berean.

Prison Transport

Community Engagement

Prison Transport

Provides transport for incarcerated persons to our church with the hopes of connecting them with community and healing.

Learn More: Contact Us

Car Care

Auto Repair + Maintenance

Car Care

Provides routine maintenance and repairs to qualifying individuals within our church and by referral through select agency partners. Contact us to donate a vehicle, parts, or tires in good condition, or to serve with this team.

Learn More: Contact Us


Families in Crisis


The CarePortal is an online platform that connects our church family with families in need right here in our city. To see our impact or to help a family in need click the link

Check out the CarePortal

Families Together

Families in Crisis

Families Together

Help a struggling family during a time of crisis by temporarily hosting children in your home or providing a parent with needed support.

Learn More: Contact Us

Community Partners

We’d love to see each of these groups get a lot of love and support from us–take some time to learn more and get involved!

Atlas: Lincoln


Atlas: Lincoln

Serve the people of Lincoln through local, intentional, and relational Christ-based peer support.

Learn more at atlaslincoln.org.

Christian Heritage

Foster Care

Christian Heritage

Offers hope to children and families.

Learn more at chne.org

City Impact

Under-Resourced Communities

City Impact

Empowers under-resourced communities through wholistic youth, family, and neighborhood development.

Learn more at cityimpact.org

Clinic with a Heart

Uninsured & Underinsured

Clinic with a Heart

Serves the uninsured and underinsured through a ministry of healthcare.

Learn more at clinicwithaheart.org

Disrupting Traffick

Trafficking Victims

Disrupting Traffick

Breaks the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation by offering trauma informed resources to those being bought and sold for sex.

Learn more at disruptingtraffick.org

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Coaches & Athletes

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Sees the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Learn more at nebraskafca.org

Jacob's Well

Downtown Lincoln

Jacob's Well

Works with individuals, churches, and community organizations in an effort to connect people in need with resources and skills which will improve their quality of life both physically and spiritually.

Learn more here.

Juniper Refuge


Juniper Refuge

Cultivate community across cultures by fostering meaningful relationships with refugees.

Learn more at juniperrefuge.org

People's City Mission

Poor & Homeless

People's City Mission

Witnesses for Christ among the poor and homeless, serves their needs, and advocates their cause to the community at large.

Learn more at pcmlincoln.org

Pregnancy Center

Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy Center

Helps women find confidence and direction for unplanned pregnancies.

Learn more at pregnancycenterlincoln.org/

Youth for Christ


Youth for Christ

Works with local youth with the goal of engaging them in a healthy relationship with mentors, friends, and God.

Learn more at yfclincoln.org

Young Life


Young Life

Gives teenagers a safe, fun, welcoming atmosphere where they can hear about Jesus. We give them a place to belong!

Learn more at lincoln.younglife.org

Coming Up Next:

The next occurrence of any scheduled Local Outreach event is listed below.

Outreach Staff

Serving Jesus by serving the people of our city.

Jacob Erb
Director (Pastor)
Scott Harris
Leadership Coach (Pastor)
Sophie Pauley
Associate Director, Multiplication
Amy Fairchild

Let’s talk.

Are you interested in serving in one of the areas discussed above? Do you want to serve somewhere else, but are not sure how to get started? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in contact.

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